Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yes They Called It Puppy Love!

Did I ever say that I love this little girl? I thank God every single day for little Izzy. I needed her so much! She had an iffy beginning to her sweet life being born in a shelter to a homeless mommy. But, she found her way to me and for that I am eternally grateful!

Here she's asking, "Do you want to play with me?" Izzy LOVES to shake her toys. She never tears them up, just shakes them with all her might. Izzy's hair is a little wild. It's wavy and coarse... And looks like this after she's shaken her toys! My son says she has Bon Jovi hair!

"Oh, I hear someone coming! I wonder if it might be a kitty cat who will try to take my toy!"

"He better not take my baby! I'll guard her!"

"Yes, indeed I do see a kitty cat coming to investigate what's going on here."

"No Pierre, you cannot play this puppy game. This is for dogs only."

Well, Pierre walked away. He didn't want Izzy's baby after all. Now that she's had some really solid play time it's time to lay down and go to sleep.

Did I ever say I love this little dog? Dogs are the best friends in the entire world!
Izzy is also a successful business doggie girl! She has her own business that will be featured in a future blog entry.
Until next time, hug your dog, your cat and say a prayer for all the homeless, neglected, and abused animals out there who just want to be loved!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Little Treasures

For some reason I really like Teddy Bears, vintage toys, and bird houses. This past weekend I was busy cleaning and got to spend time with all these little cuties.

This first picture is a family of bears that sits on a table in our upstairs hallway. I even found a very old version of The Three Bears that sits on the table with them. Sometimes I think they talk about me when I walk past them! ;)

This photo is of a Victorian dollhouse that my father in law made for us about 20 years ago. He is an amazing artist and the details on this dollhouse are incredible. Also in this photo are my husband's firetruck and set of Tinkertoys from his childhood.

A couple of bears and a bunny hanging out with the books in the loft.

These are my two Madame Alexander dolls I had as a very little girl. I think each doll is about 50 years old. I played for hours with these girls. The bunny was given to my daughter for Easter when she was 3 years old. So, that's a fairly old bunny at the age of 22! He's in perfect condition though, beause my daughter took exceptionally good care of the majority of her toys.

This is one of the many birdhouses that my father in law has made for us.

Another birdhouse.

A cute gazebo made once again by my father in law.

More cute birdhouses

This one is one of my favorites! It's yellow has a little flag and the detailing is remarkable! Just look at all that snow still outside on the back deck! Still no sign of spring here in Ohio.

We also have several outside, but, I only took this photo because it was just too cold to go out in the snow to snap photos. My husband built this trio of houses and it sits on our back deck.
That is one thing I do like about cleaning - visiting with my little treasures. They really bring back a lot of memories for me. While dusting my husband's toys I could just imagine him playing with them when he was little. I am very sentimental and hope that my kids will keep these things for their children too. I would have loved to have a few pieces of my grandparent's childhoods!
Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bonjour Mes Amies! Well, it has been snowing more here in Ohio and we've broken the record for snow in February from 1914! We have had over 21 inches of snow in the past two weeks and that means I have not been going anywhere. Schools have been closed, so, that means I don't work, so, I've been home cleaning everything!
Longing for some signs of spring, I switched out my kitchen table centerpiece for this bouquet of sunflowers. I LOVE yellow! Our home is painted yellow and our kitchen and family rooms are both yellow. I think yellow is positively the most cheerful color there is!

Here are my sunflowers at my table accompanying my thrifted, perfect condition yellow placemats that I bought the other day for 69 cents for a set of four! Oh, how I LOVE thrift shopping! I will rarely buy anything from a regular retailer without really searching thrift stores first, because I am truly spoiled by the thrift store prices. Although I did wash and iron these placemats, they appeared to be brand new!

This is a picture of some of the decorating I've been doing above our kitchen cabinets. I love the artichoke planter. I have had it for many years and I've never grown tired of it.

This is Skye. She has been keeping me company on all these snow days. She is truly the most amazingly intelligent dog I've ever come into contact with! Skye can even count, believe me, she can! Skye girl is really my son's dog, but, he lives at home, so she's everyone's dog. Skye knows more tricks than any dog I've ever known. She can also fly. Fly? Yes, she flies! This amazing girl can jump into the air and catch a disk or ball just like Michael Jordan could fly to the net! She is a sweetheart!

While I've been home for the past four days, I've spent a lot of time with this little girl - my Izzybelle! Izzy is my constant companion, following me all around the house while I do everything. If I sit down, she is on my lap. Izzy has kept me company during all these snow days and I love her so much! Yes, she is smiling! No, she is not as "book smart" as Skye. But, you know what ? She is a big bundle of love and I LOVE this dog to pieces and she is perfect for me!
Most likely, things will turn back to somewhat normal for the next few days as far as getting around in Ohio. I will most likely be on a delay tomorrow and then it is supposed to snow more this weekend. I have really enjoyed this snow and the opportunity to feel "snowed in" so I can stay home and get some things done.
Stay warm,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Be Someone's Angel Today, Tomorrow, and Everyday!

I have been reading this book and I highly recommend it! This book contains some wonderful, heartwarming, inspirational stories of how seemingly simple random acts of kindness made a difference in another person's life. I do believe that in offering these kinds of unexpected gestures we are easing a burden, lightening a load, and giving hope to another person. In doing this, we can be somewhat of an angel in the recipient's life.

I've always collected angel figurines and I saw June displayed hers on her blog and thought it was a great idea and I would do the same. I hope you don't mind June!

This book is physically beautiful, beautifully illustrated, and contains stories of actual divine intervention by angels in the lives of people who were in danger, ill, alone, or just in need of an angel in their lives.

I found this pretty lady at a garage sale and her wing was broken. Since I was buying a few other things, the seller let me have the angel for free. I glued her wing back on and put a little card that says "Love" on her sash.

I have lots more scattered throughout my home, but, these are just a few. I have this lovely lady hanging on my bedpost and the card reads, "Among life's great and wondrous things are glimpses of an angel's wings."

I will close this post with what I believe to be an actual encounter with an angel of my own.
I was leaving a store one evening and it was really icy, slippery, and dark. I was hanging on to every car I could just hoping to make it to my car without falling. I went to grab the back end of my car with key in hand and slipped, fell, and my key had broken off of my key chain. I was then on my hands and knees feeling for my key. (Remember, it was dark.)
The parking lot was empty, really empty, but, out of nowhere came a man WITH A FLASHLIGHT (what are the odds?) asking if I was looking for something. I told him my key had broken off and I couldn't find it. He shined the flashlight on the frozen pavement and there was my key, jabbed into the ice where I never would have found it on my own. He took something out of his pocket and broke up the ice, freeing my key and handed it to me. He waited as I got in my car and when I started to drive off, I went to wave goodbye and he was gone. This is an actual true story and I've never forgotten the kindness of this man and the miracle that he just happened to have a flashlight on hand.
Whether it's offering a smile to someone who needs it, sending someone a card for no special reason, shoveling an elderly neighbor's sidewalk, or if it's as simple as filling up your bird feeder for the birds in cold weather like we've been having (animals appreciate our acts of kindness too!), be an angel and make someone's world a better place! Your world will be a better place because you did!
Until next time,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February In Ohio

This is what we woke up to this morning. The first picture is an arbor my husband built for our yard. I think it looks beautiful in the snow! There is something really peaceful about all this snow.
These are the Bradford Pear trees that line our driveway and by looking at them today it's hard to imagine that in a few months they'll be covered with beautiful flowers.
Our driveway is around here somewhere!

I was supposed to work today, but, all the schools closed. I decided to take today and get some things done around the house.
My "live it" is going pretty well and I've lost four lbs. since last week! That is a good feeling! My daughter came over yesterday and she noticed I've lost weight. I guess when you're only 5' tall four lbs. makes a difference.
Au Revoir for now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ice Cream Anyone?

My daughter stopped by Tuesday afternoon and asked me to go to our local ice cream parlor for a snack. Originally I said no due to my new resolution to lose weight and get in shape. Then, I thought, "why should I deprive myself of the company of these two precious people that I only see about once a week?" So, I went along. My grandson had some vanilla ice cream.

My daughter had a chocolate milkshake.

And I had a cup of coffee.

Did I feel deprived? No, because the coffee was good and I got to spend some time with two of my favorite people on the planet.

Spending time with the people we love is what it's really all about isn't it? After all, one of the main reasons I've decided to finally do this is so that I can be as healthy as possible and have more time on earth with them.

I will do this. I really will. I think the beginning is the hardest. Once I start to see results it will definitely be worth it.

For now, Au Revoir. - Not Bon Appetit!

Going on a Live It!

The time has come. Today I am making a commitment to eat healthy and lose weight. In the past few years I have managed to gain 30 unwanted pounds simply by not thinking and just eating whatever I wanted.

It isn't just about wearing a certain size or looking a certain way (although I am excited to see what I look like without this extra baggage). This decision is for this little boy, who I want to see grow up and become an adult.

Thank you, my sweet grandson for being the inspiration I needed to finally get on track and eat healthy. I want to see you ride a bike, go to school, graduate from high school and college. I want to attend your wedding and hold your son or daughter in my arms. I want to tell your children what a wonderful child you were and tell them all about their other family members. For you I will do this!
So, goodbye to my old fast food favorites and junk food! It was fun, but we can no longer meet like we have been. Our relationship must end because my grandson needs me more than I need you.
I know I can lose these pounds by June. It will be a great summer without the extra "me". I know I will have more energy and will just plain feel better. So, with that said, I am officially starting this new adventure of healthy eating!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Wonderful Thing About Dogs

Dogs are pure unconditional love! Here is a photo of my sweet canine friend, Izzy, a little terrier mix who was born in a shelter. Her poor mother was homeless and pregnant and I am thankful everyday she found her way to me.

I love this excerpt from a speech George Graham Vest made to the senate way back in 1855:

"The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in the encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. when all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens." ~ George Graham Vest, Speech in the Senate 1855

God bless all the poor homeless dogs out there in the world. God bless all the poor, neglected sweet souls out there who are stuggling to stay alive in this cold!

This post comes on the heals of my watching an animal planet episode that displayed one of the most horrific cases of human carelessness and neglect toward a sweet dog I've ever heard of. Thankfully, the episode had a happy ending with the dog finding refuge in a family that would love him forever!

Now go hug your dog! - and your cat! I love cats too!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Really, where does the time go?

I cannot believe I have not posted on this blog since October. I honestly do not know where the time goes and how it appears that other people have more hours in the day than I do! Anyway, after talking with Lisa at the Nerdy Renegade blog (Thank you Lisa for being such an inspiration to me), I thought I would try to keep my blog fresh and updated as much as possible.

Well, I guess some of the big news here is that I recently turned 50! I cannot believe I am actually just 3 years younger than my mother in law was when my husband and I got married! Now, I have to admit, that I thought my mother in law was a cute 53 year old and I never thought of her as old, but, still, she was 53, and now I am almost that age! I was thinking about turning 40 and what a wonderful birthday party my husband threw for me. Then I started thinking about what all I've been up to for the past decade and have come up with this list:

I have successfully raised two of the nicest kids in the entire world. I am so proud of both of them. My daughter is a college graduate, has a great job, and is a wonderful mommy, and my son is in school persuing his goals and I know great things await him!

I have worked in cosmetics, copier sales for two companies, advertising sales for two radio conglomorates, and one print publication, taught public speaking classes at a university, been an executive recruiter, and currently own my own business and work as a substitute teacher.

I went back to school and started off with a measly 13 credit hours to my name and graduated Cum Laude in a mere two and one half years.

I said goodbye to my beloved Molly dog after nearly 15 years of the most devoted friendship I have probably ever known.

I have rescued my cat, Monsieur Pierre DuBois from homelessness and he is now my dear feline friend.

I was fortunate enough to be the recipient of my little terrier, Izzy when my daughter FINALLY decided to give her to me. Izzy and I were always meant to be together! I knew this immediately when I took care of her for a week while Amy went camping. I BEGGED for her to let me have her; it took a year, but, she is now mine!

I became a grandmother to the dearest little boy in the entire universe! There is something truly special about a grandchild. When I look at him, I see my daughter, myself, and the future. I do hope this little angel has a wonderful life!

I said goodbye to my dad when Alzheimer's Disease took him. How sad it is to watch someone go from being someone with memories, a life, a strong will, to just a mere shell of a human being. Alzheimer's Disease is very cruel to those who suffer from it and those whose loved ones are afflicted with it.

Lost a dear, dear friend to a horrible disease.

I got my mother back from a terrible situation of elder exploitation. Thank goodness that runaway train was stopped when it was!

Our family has acquired two border collies, hands down, the smartest canine breed around. These dogs are amazing and can learn anything!

I learned to speak French somewhat fluently - Not really, but, I like to think I'm somewhat fluent. Oh merci!

I planted a vegetable garden for the first time! I did this last summer and had a blast cooking up things with food I created from just tiny seeds.

In the past decade have collected over 1,000 new books! This brings my personal library up to around 8,000! I do love books and it is a good thing we have plenty of bookshelves!

I talked on the phone to Jon Bon Jovi and even danced on stage with him!

I met Dr. Wayne Dyer and was his guest when he spoke in NYC on "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life." Thank you Dr. Dyer!

I visited NYC three times. It was always my dream to go there and I did it three times this decade.

I sold my homemade wares at a festival for the first time ever and actually made a little money. What a fun experience that I will do again and again!

I learned how to use the Internet.

I got a cell phone and ditched my old "car phone" from my real estate days. I wish I had that big thing at this very minute. I could probably sell it to someone collecting vintage cell phones. Those things will be valuable someday, just as is my grandmother's old heavy, heavy, heavy rotary phone made out of I think cement!

I have fallen in love with second hand shopping. This is something I never thought I would do, but, there are some real deals out there. I go to nearly every garage sale I see and I am amazed at the wonderful things I have found. Last summer, every Thursday and Friday I would load my mother and my grandson up and off we would go, for the whole day! You would never believe what I found! I also love shopping at thrift stores now. Oh how things do change!

I guess I've been busy over the past ten years. I guess that's where the time goes - living life. I am excited about the possibilities that await me in this next decade.

One thing that has changed over the years is that I know I appreciate people more, understand the fragility of life, and realize that if we want to do something or tell someone something we need to do it. Time waits for no one and just keeps ticking on by. If we want to do something, we can't wait until later, because, later may never come. We really and truly need to live life to the very fullest in the present moment.

Well, that's it for today. I am resigned to keep blogging. I do love reading other people's blogs - there are so many inspirational, creative, talented women out there blogging. It's really better than reading a magazine!

For now, Au Revoir!