Monday, February 22, 2010

Little Treasures

For some reason I really like Teddy Bears, vintage toys, and bird houses. This past weekend I was busy cleaning and got to spend time with all these little cuties.

This first picture is a family of bears that sits on a table in our upstairs hallway. I even found a very old version of The Three Bears that sits on the table with them. Sometimes I think they talk about me when I walk past them! ;)

This photo is of a Victorian dollhouse that my father in law made for us about 20 years ago. He is an amazing artist and the details on this dollhouse are incredible. Also in this photo are my husband's firetruck and set of Tinkertoys from his childhood.

A couple of bears and a bunny hanging out with the books in the loft.

These are my two Madame Alexander dolls I had as a very little girl. I think each doll is about 50 years old. I played for hours with these girls. The bunny was given to my daughter for Easter when she was 3 years old. So, that's a fairly old bunny at the age of 22! He's in perfect condition though, beause my daughter took exceptionally good care of the majority of her toys.

This is one of the many birdhouses that my father in law has made for us.

Another birdhouse.

A cute gazebo made once again by my father in law.

More cute birdhouses

This one is one of my favorites! It's yellow has a little flag and the detailing is remarkable! Just look at all that snow still outside on the back deck! Still no sign of spring here in Ohio.

We also have several outside, but, I only took this photo because it was just too cold to go out in the snow to snap photos. My husband built this trio of houses and it sits on our back deck.
That is one thing I do like about cleaning - visiting with my little treasures. They really bring back a lot of memories for me. While dusting my husband's toys I could just imagine him playing with them when he was little. I am very sentimental and hope that my kids will keep these things for their children too. I would have loved to have a few pieces of my grandparent's childhoods!
Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone is having a great Monday!


  1. Ann I am so taken with your birdhouses. I love them. I haven't seen a birdhouse that I don't like. I look for them everywhere. Can you believe that I only have four in my garden, but plan on finding many more to put in it.

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  4. Thanks June! We have a bunch more outside and one in particular that is absolutely adorable as it serves as a flower planter too. We've even had a family of birds nesting in it for the past two years! If only we could collect rent from them...:)
