Here she's asking, "Do you want to play with me?" Izzy LOVES to shake her toys. She never tears them up, just shakes them with all her might. Izzy's hair is a little wild. It's wavy and coarse...
"Oh, I hear someone coming! I wonder if it might be a kitty cat who will try to take my toy!"
"He better not take my baby! I'll guard her!"
"Yes, indeed I do see a kitty cat coming to investigate what's going on here."
"No Pierre, you cannot play this puppy game. This is for dogs only."
Well, Pierre walked away. He didn't want Izzy's baby after all. Now that she's had some really solid play time it's time to lay down and go to sleep.
Izzy is also a successful business doggie girl! She has her own business that will be featured in a future blog entry.
Until next time, hug your dog, your cat and say a prayer for all the homeless, neglected, and abused animals out there who just want to be loved!