Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February In Ohio

This is what we woke up to this morning. The first picture is an arbor my husband built for our yard. I think it looks beautiful in the snow! There is something really peaceful about all this snow.
These are the Bradford Pear trees that line our driveway and by looking at them today it's hard to imagine that in a few months they'll be covered with beautiful flowers.
Our driveway is around here somewhere!

I was supposed to work today, but, all the schools closed. I decided to take today and get some things done around the house.
My "live it" is going pretty well and I've lost four lbs. since last week! That is a good feeling! My daughter came over yesterday and she noticed I've lost weight. I guess when you're only 5' tall four lbs. makes a difference.
Au Revoir for now!


  1. Lovely photos!

    Yes, the snow is wonderful! (Especially when we get to stay inside.)

    Congrats on your weight release! What's your strategy?

  2. Ann this is a lot of snow! It is really a pretty sight. I have always lived in snow country, but still am amazed by it's softness and like you say...it's quietness.
    I enjoyed catching up on the posts that I have missed here. Congrats on the choice to eat healthy. About five years ago I lost 30 pounds and it was weight that had just come on in a five year stretch. I've kept it off and it has felt so good. I didn't follow a diet plan, just made better choices and I keep a food diary of what I eat everyday...still. I gained five pounds over the holidays (I always do) but have managed to lose 3 of it. I know that for me I feel so mach better at the weight I am now and don't ever want to go back. Good luck Ann.

  3. Yay for snow days:>) I LOVE that arbor! I bet it's gorgeous no matter what time of year you look at it. Thanks for visiting:>)
